昨天趁著週末總算把Suits第二季前半段看完了,第二季劇情主線著重於Jessica與Hardman之間的角力,顯得比第一季有主題多了。也因為這二位老大的對立,office politics在這一季當中也變得比第一季更精采有趣,特別是Louis這個角色,他完全在亮了起來,到最後甚至扮演關鍵性的角色!
Jessica Pearson 不愛打迷糊仗、不輕易妥協、更不會向威嚇低頭,也擅於揣測人心並運用手腕達到目的,談判技巧偏向冷靜講理不帶情緒,只在需要的時候硬起來,但因為她太有原則,以致於Harvey變成有點像是她不可或缺的黑手套。
Daniel Hardman 城府深,為達成目的不計代價,具有領袖魅力善於攏絡人心,其實我反倒覺得如果此人不是這麼黑白不分,他其實比Jessica更適合當業主。當然Jessica是個很好的leader沒錯,但Hardman在商業技巧上感覺比Jessica強些。也難怪一開始他們要成立Pearson & Hardman,一個安內一個攘外的話還真是最佳拍擋!
Harvey Specter 第二季還是一樣的charming無庸置疑,但這一季他更清楚的展現情感上的一面,例如對Jessica知遇之恩的忠誠回報,雖然他常對事務所的policy摸魚打混,但關鍵點的掌握和拿捏他還是有分寸的。還有像是對Donna、Mike,事情常是他瞭然於心也用自己覺得好的方式來回應,然而啊~愛是一種選擇,關鍵在於是否選擇用對方能理解的好的方式來對待對方,這方面即使Harvey智能再怎麼高,卻還是得0分的項目。
Louis Litt 土撥鼠無論在情感掙扎或專業上在這一季表現都非常好,雖然這個角色有點機車、有點現實,實際上卻還是討喜,為什麼?我總覺得這是最接近人性的一個角色,每個人的心中都有一個Louis,但是因為我們社會化了,不敢展現心中邪惡或者說是自私的那一面,但Louis某總程度解放了觀眾社會化的自我控制吧…
至於Mike這個死小孩,第二季角色張力不強,雖是男二但鋒芒完全被其他角色蓋過去了。我只能說在第二季,他是Harvey一個很好的助手,pretty much all。Donna堪稱本季最悲情的角色,雖然PTT美劇版的鄉民很喜歡她,呃…我是也還算喜歡她,但若從organization behavior的角度切入,她的戲份讓我筆記的地方並不多;就更不用說Rachel 了,除了花瓶以外,我實在也想不到什麼別的詞來形容她。
第二季結束在Jessica與Hardman在managing partner的競爭,雙方情勢緊繃都想爭取Louis關鍵性的一票!在這當中Hardman如何面對Louis並合理化買票的行為實在相當精采,而在此同時Jessica送出了Harvey 去遊說Louis又是另一個有趣的故事。Jessica洞悉人心的能力、Louis長期的積怨、以及Harvey的loyalty在此對話中顯露無疑:
Harvey: I couldn't close him.
Jessica: Are you trying to tell me you couldn't be nice to Louis even for this?
Harvey: No, I'm not. You said I'm a thorn in his side. I tried to take it out, but you're the one who's had what he's wanted all these years and didn't give it to him. Senior partnership. You need to tell him he deserves it.
Jessica: That's what I sent you to do.
Harvey: He needs to hear it from you.
Jessica: You know, I send you to do this one thing and you can't. Fine, I'll talk to him.
Harvey: Wait a minute. You know him. You knew this. This is where it always ended up.
Jessica: You got me.
Harvey: Why send me first?
Jessica: Because if Louis didn't have to work to get me there, he wouldn't believe me when I went.
Harvey: You're playing chess while everybody else is playing checkers.
Jessica: Are you just getting that, Mr. “I'm the best closer this city's ever seen”?
Harvey: Hey, you're the one who always calls me that.
Jessica: Well, maybe I shouldn't. Now if you'll excuse me, I have to tell Louis he deserves to be senior partner.
Harvey: You know what, I am the best closer this city's ever seen, and I didn't even make a dent.
Jessica: Do you have a point?
Harvey: He needs more than just words.
Jessica: I told you, I'm not bribing him.
Harvey: That's not what I meant. His anger is deep. He wants us to feel pain.
Jessica: How?
Harvey: Give him my office.
Jessica: You're willing to do that?
Harvey: Remember when you questioned if I could put your needs above mine? Here's your answer.
Jessica: You know what, Louis? Harvey told me that I should give you his office, and I came in here prepared to do just that. But I don't respond to threats, and I'm not going to buy your vote because that's not who I am. But know this: I will win. And tomorrow, after the vote, if you are on the wrong side, there'll be no coming back.